The Freizeitkarte map (leisure map) is addressed to users of Android devices. The Offline-Vector-Maps are based on the projects OpenStreetMap (OSM) and Mapsforge. You can use them with various Android navigation apps (eg. Locus Map, OruxMaps, c:geo, Cruiser, ...).
The Freizeitkarte maps provide a wealth of information. However, many of these must first be activated by the map user. Similarly, disturbing map objects can also be deactivated.
- Contour lines ... are confusing in the city, but indispensable in mountainous terrain.
- Public transport ... stations, stops / points and subway entrances ensure your mobility.
- Biking or hiking trails ... can be highlighted for better visibility / planning.
- ...
All map apps have corresponding settings for activating and deactivating map features. Map users should definitely familiarize themselves with this feature.

Germany, Hamburg, mega city with almost 2 million inhabitants (Design freizeitkarte).
The Freizeitkarte map is based on data from the OpenStreetMap project. The map was developed as a universal map for
- leisure
- and outdoor activities.
Features of the maps:
- very useful for motorists, cyclists and pedestrians
- topographic map with contour lines
- map elements can be turned on or off
For the available maps is valid:
- the maps are based on the actual data of the OSM project
- several themes are available for the look and feel of the maps
- the maps are free and can be used without restrictions (see license terms)
- the maps are updated regularly (every three months)

Germany, Hamburg, city centre with many details (Design freizeitkarte).
Terms of Use:
Usage of the maps is at your own risk. The map may contain errors or may be insufficient. The creators of this maps do not offer any guarantee or assume liability for any damages which are directly or indirectly connected to the usage of this map.
We wish you lots of fun with the Freizeitkarte map ... and many interesting trips.