The object representations described below relate to the 'freizeit' design.


Residential area
Area used by military, barracks, military training area, etc.
Parking lot
Business, Mall or area with predominant retail shops
Marina, moorings for yachts and motor boats
School, college, university, campus or building
Industrial area or industrial estate, predominantly workshops, factories or warehouses; area used for rails, railway property
Nature reserve
Playground for children
Camp ground, site for campers
Farm, agriculturally used area with residential buildings, shelters, stables, garages, silos etc.
Mining above ground, quarry, pit (gravel, clay, ...), open-cast mining
forest, commercial forest; wood; distinguished between mixed, deciduous or coniferous forest
Meadow, usually out of town
Golf course
Background of map
Park, green space
Danger area, prohibited area
Garden plot, allotment
Cultivated land, agriculturally used area such as fields for cereal and vegetable and tree nursery. These are identical to the map background.
Power station, used for producing electricity or warmth; transformer station
Administration, offices
Construction site (but also fallow)
Dump, disposal site
Slit, swamp
Uncultivated land, undergrowth, bush
Square or street only for pedestrians, e.g. pedestrian precinct or shopping arcade
Playing field, track
Water in general, sea, lake, pond, river, dam lake etc.
Mountain pasture, alpine meadow, area above tree line
Sports complex, stadium
Ground covered with sand, none or sparse vegetation
Marshland, swamp, bog, marsh, meadow, reeds, mudflats, salt marsh
Glacier, area coverd with ice all year round
Orchard, fruit plantation, cultivated area with trees or bushes for food production
Intertidal zone, area between tide marks

Meaning of letters in the areas:

Cultivated land (farmland) is in most countries the most frequently occurring area (in Germany it is 33%). This area is not showed separately but is identical to the map background.

Forest covers a significant area of most countries (in Germany it is 30%) and therefore is good for rough orientation.


Freeway, Road with a structurally divided lanes (usually a median strip) and dedicated restrictions (one way, prohibited for pedestrians and cyclists). Usually two lanes per direction and a shoulder.
Freeway entrance or exit, usually with the same restrictions as the freeway itself.
Road similar to a freeway, but no freeway.
Interstate or A road entrance or exit, like the freeway entrances or exits.
Interstate or A road, main street under centralized administration with dedicated signs, usually connecting larger cities and for serving national traffic. Also: Roads of higher importance.
Secondary or well-built district road (or entrance onto one of these) roads with a centre line, which connects smaller or larger towns. The road serves the regional traffic.
District road, well-built road primarily used for regional traffic. Main road with less traffic, connecting smaller towns. Main roads in towns used for driving across town.
Road in residential area, road in and around residential areas, not belonging to the other types of roads.
Side street, publicly passable side street in a very simple state, usually no centre line. E.g. district roads connecting villages that are to narrow to be secondary roads.
Access road, access to institutions like sports complzips, beaches, motorway services or other buildings in general.
Traffic-calmed area, a road where one has to to mind playing children.
Pedestrians have priority and only walking speed is allowed.
Roads and paths with restricted access, these roads are drawn in a different color:
General prohibition to use = Usage is prohibited or not possible.
Private road = The owner generally prohibits to use the road (exceptions are possible).
Agricultural traffic = Usage is permitted for "agricultural traffic" only.
Forestry traffic = Usage is permitted for "forestry traffic" only.
Delivery traffic allowed = Usage is permitted for delivery of goods to the customer only.

Stairs, on pavement and hiking paths only for pedestrians.
Pedestrian precinct, way, square or road where only pedestrians are allowed (e.g. shopping malls).

Bicycle, foot and bridle paths:
Path is not wide enough for a vehicle.
General bicycle path, mainly for cyclists.
General foot path, mainly for pedestrians.
Combined bicycle and foot path, joint usage through cyclists and pedestrians.
Bridle path, path for riders.
General way or path, here: hiking path / trail; not wide enough for vehicles.

General way or path
, restricted use

Agricultural, country or dirt road.
Road is wide enough for a vehicle. Three types can be distinguished:
Quality grade 1, paved path (asphalt, concrete, cobblestones, etc.).
Quality grade 1,
restricted use
Quality grades 2,3 (as well as 0)
2 = paved path (gravel or other compacted ground).
3 = paved or repaired path, consisting of hard and soft ground (e.g. fine gravel, sand or mud path).
0 = No quality grade is set for this path.
Quality grades 2,3 (as well as 0)
restricted use
Quality grades 4,5
4 = unpaved path, consisting mainly of soft material, plant growth along the middle of the way (e.g. grass, sand or mud path).
5 = unpaved path, surface consisting of grass, soil etc., usually just a trail in the grass, partially hard to distinguish from surround area.
Quality grades 4,5
restricted use

Hiking paths.

Four difficulties are distinguished:
Hiking path, T1

Mountain Hiking path, T2 or T3

Alpine Hiking path, T4, T5 or T6

Via Ferrata

Note: Leisure time activities in mountains require a certain amount of experience and hold danger. Basing only on this map no mountain hiking should be planed. For security reasons routing will not route you through hiking paths with category T4-T6 (exception: Freizeitkarte Alps). Via Ferratas are always excluded from routing.

Railways und cablecars:

Railway, main track. Also includes suburban railways and funiculars.
Railway, service track. Includes also shunting tracks, industrial tracks and other less frequently used tracks.
Railway tunnel, main track or service track in tunnel.
Railway Bridge, railway on bridge.
Abondoned railway, tracks and infrastructure removed.
Light rail and monorail, includes also subways.
Tram, one or two carriage rail vehicles, usually sharing motor road.

Cablecar, two large or several smaller cars. The cable forms a loop.
Chairlift and drag lift, looped cable either with chairs, T-bars or buttons.
Cable lift for goods, Passenger transport is usually not allowed.

More linear objects:

Row of trees

Points-Of-Interest (POIs):

We chose a universal approach to Points-Of-Interest (POIs): There are only few POIS which are represented with their own symbol. Most POIs are displayed as a red square. Further information to these POIs can be display by hovering with the cursor or needle over the POI. Usually POIs are only displayed if a name or description is available.

(i) (Tourist-) Information (significant) Tree
Summit (usually with altitude reading) (I) Industrial plant
(Q) Source Wind-driven power station
Pylon (of a high voltage line ) Airport
Viewpoint (€) ATM (or BANK)
Hospital Cave
Police station (U) Underground station entrance
(Train-) Station Radio Tower
(H) Stop (bus, tram) Name of location, megacity
Name of location, large city or independent town
Name of location, town, district, village, hamlet
(T) Gas station Store (type of store)
Pub, Bar Jewish place of worship, e.g. synagogue
Muslim place of worship, e.g. mosque Christian place of worship, e.g. church
(S) School (M) Museum
Shelter Lighthouse
Campsite, camp round Hotel, Motel
Inn Playground
Restaurant (type of restaurant) (R) Picnic area, Service Area
Parking limited Parking
(Freeway) Exit, with number and marking general Point-Of-Interest, with type and marking
Bollard (on a street) Gate
Barrier Cycle Barrier
(military) Bunker Ruin
Watch tower Communication pole
Alpin hut (with food and drink), mountain hut
Alpin hut, without food and drink
Wilderness hut, basic self supporter hut Basic Hut, bivouac hut
Lean-to, public hut with overnight accommodation
Mountain col, Saddle
Aerial lift Pass

Note: Leisure time activities in mountains require a certain amount of experience and hold danger. Basing only on this map no mountain hiking should be planed.