This legend describes the Freizeitkarte with the theme freizeitkarte.


The theme contains the style "Freizeitkarte". With the options, the map can be adapted to your own needs.


Background of map
Residential area
Business, Mall or area with predominant retail shops
Administration, offices
Industrial area or industrial estate, predominantly workshops, factories or warehouses; area used for rails, railway property
Square or street only for pedestrians, e.g. pedestrian precinct or shopping arcade
Farm, agriculturally used area with residential buildings, shelters, stables, garages, silos etc.
Camp ground, site for campers
Parking lot (public)
Parking lot (limited, eg. for customers)
Parking lot (private)
Bicycle Parking
General buildings
School, college, university ( campus or building)
Public buildings
Sports facility, sports hall
Roof (transparent)
Areoport, Apron, Gate
Power station, used for producing electricity or warmth, transformer station
Dump, disposal site
Greenfield, land intended for turn into a construction site
Construction site (but also fallow)
Mining above ground, quarry, pit (gravel, clay, ...), open-cast mining
Area used by military, barracks, military training area, etc. danger area, prohibited area
Nature reserve
Nature reserve with entry ban
Forest, commercial forest; distinguished between mixed, deciduous or coniferous forest
Natural wood, woodland with no forestry ; distinguished between mixed, deciduous or coniferous forest
Graveyarddistinguished between religions
Sports complex, stadium
Playing field, track
Riding area
Zoo also leisure park, theme park, museum
Garden plot, allotment
Park, green space, dog park
Playground for children
Golf course
Driving Range (Golf)
Meadow, green areas
Uncultivated land, undergrowth, bush
Ground covered with sand, none or sparse vegetation
Orchard, fruit plantation, cultivated area with trees or bushes for food production
Water in general, sea, lake, pond, river, dam lake etc.
Retention basins
Marina, moorings for yachts and motor boats
Gravel beach
Glacier, area coverd with ice all year round; or ice rink
Mountain pasture, alpine meadow, area above tree line
Wetland meadow, also saltmarsh
Reeds, bulrushes
(non-woody) Swamp
Bog, fen
Slit, mud


Roads and Paths:

Freeway, road with a structurally divided lanes (usually a median strip) and dedicated restrictions (one way, prohibited for pedestrians and cyclists). Usually two lanes per direction and a shoulder.
Road similar to a freeway, but no freeway.
Interstate or A road, main street under centralized administration with dedicated signs, usually connecting larger cities and for serving national traffic. Also:Roads of higher importance.
Secondary or well-built district road (or entrance onto one of these) roads with a centre line, which connects smaller or larger towns. The road serves the regional traffic.
District road, publicly passable side street in a very simple state, usually no centre line. E.g. district roads connecting villages that are to narrow to be secondary roads.
Side street, publicly passable side street in a very simple state, usually no centre line. E.g. district roads connecting villages that are to narrow to be secondary roads.
Road in residential area, road in and around residential areas, not belonging to the other types of roads.
Access road, access to institutions like sports complzips, beaches, motorway services or other buildings in general.
Traffic-calmed area, a road where one has to to mind playing children. Pedestrians have priority and only walking speed is allowed.
Pedestrian road, road where only pedestrians are allowed (e.g. shopping malls).
Roads and paths where usage is not allowed:
- General prohibition to use:Usage is prohibited or not possible.
- Private road:The owner generally prohibits to use the road (exceptions are possible).
- Usage is prohibited or not possible for motor traffic.
Roads and paths with restricted access for motor traffic:
- Delivery traffic allowed:Usage is permitted for delivery of goods to the customer only.
- Destination traffic allowed:Usage is permitted if the destination is on this road or path.
Roads and paths with restricted access for motor traffic:
- Agricultural traffic:Usage is permitted for "agricultural traffic" only.
- Forestry traffic:Usage is permitted for "forestry traffic" only.
Under construction roads and paths
Emergency lane, emergency braking road (grey)
Bicycle, foot and bridle paths:
Path is not wide enough for a vehicle.
Stairs, on pavement and hiking paths only for pedestrians.
General foot path, mainly for pedestrians.
General bicycle path, mainly for cyclists.
Combined bicycle and foot path, joint usage through cyclists and pedestrians.
Bridle path, path for riders.
General way or path, here:hiking path / trail; not wide enough for vehicles.
Agricultural, country or dirt road.
Road is wide enough for a vehicle. Three types can be distinguished:
Quality grade 1, paved path (asphalt, concrete, cobblestones, etc.).
Quality grades 2, 3 (as well as 0)
2 = paved path (gravel or other compacted ground).
3 = paved or repaired path, consisting of hard and soft ground (e.g. fine gravel, sand or mud path).
0 = No quality grade is set for this path.
Quality grades 4, 5
4 = unpaved path, consisting mainly of soft material, plant growth along the middle of the way (e.g. grass, sand or mud path).
5 = unpaved path, surface consisting of grass, soil etc., usually just a trail in the grass, partially hard to distinguish from surround area.
Hiking paths.
Four difficulties are distinguished:
Hiking path, T1
T1 = hiking path, trail
Mountain Hiking path, T2 or T3
T2 = classic mountain trail
T3 = demanding mountain trail
Alpine Hiking path, T4, T5 or T6 (challenging alpine hiking, requires relevant experience)
T4 = alpine trail
T5 = demanding alpine trail
T6 = difficult alpine trail
Via FerrataVia Ferrata = secured climbing route

Marker for Mountain Hiking paths:

T2 = classic mountain trail
T3 = demanding mountain trail
T4 = alpine trail
T5 = demanding alpine trail
T6 = difficult alpine trail


Railways und cablecars:

Railway, main track. Also includes funiculars.
Light rail, subway
Narrow gauge railway, miniature railway
Service rails, includes also shunting tracks, industrial tracks, routes under construction, and no longer in operation
Railway tunnel, tunnels of different railways
Tram, bus guideway, usually sharing motor road.
Cablecar, two large or several smaller cars, or chair lift
Drag lift, includes all forms of ski lifts
Cable lift for goods, Passenger transport is usually not allowed.
Ferry, passenger liner, the route of a ferry on sea

More linear objects:

Powerline, high voltage
Powerline, low or medium voltage
Row of trees
Fence, wall
Borders, The political borders are shown in different colors:national border, federal state, state district ,county, city, town, municipality, parts of a municipality, neighbourhood.
Weir, a barrier built across a river. The water can still flow over the top.
Dam, a wall built across a river or stream to impound the water.
Dyke, man made dam for flood protection.
Contour lines
distances 500m, 100m, 20m


Please activate only one route type at a time to avoid confusion. If available the route will be displayed with name and number. The route is displayed in the color of the most significant network. The name is also taken from the most significant network. Only one name can be displayed. However, all existing numbers will be displayed.

Routes for Bicycle and MTB:

Mountain Bike (MTB) Route
Local bicycle route (network "lcn")
Regional bicycle route (network "rcn")
National or international bicycle route (network "ncn" or "icn")

Routes for Hiking:

Local hiking route (network "lwn")
Regional hiking route (network "rwn")
National or international hiking route (network "nwn" or "iwn")

Routes for Inline skating:

Local inline skating route (network "local")
Regional inline skating route (network "regional")
National inline skating route (network "national")

Junction networks:

To avoid confusion, only one network type should be activated at a time. For example, only the junction (node) network for cyclists or only the junction network for hikers. The important junction numbers are always displayed. If available, the reference number / designation (abbreviation) of the route between two junctions is also displayed.

Junction network for cyclists:

Junction network for cyclists

Junction network for hikers:

Junction network for hikers

Junction network for inline-skaters:

Junction network for inline-skaters

Points-Of-Interest (POIs):

Food & drink general Bar
Beer garden Cafe
Pub Fast food restaurant
Ice cream Restaurant
Hotel and Restaurant Hotel, Motel
Guesthouse (Pension, Hostel, Bed & Breakfast) Picnic site
Barbecue(grill place) Bench
Firepit Bird hide
(Tourist) Information Guidepost
Shelter Open shelter
Basic hut Wilderness hut (backcountry hut or bothy)
Alpine hut Alpine hut and Restaurant
Arts centre Casino
Cinema Community centre
Library Nightclub
Theatre Observation tower
Viewpoint Tourism attraction
Artwork Museum
Social facility Recycling facility
Hunting stand Police station
Post office Courthouse
Townhall Embassy
ATM (or Bank) Bank
Public toilets
Healthcare general Pharmacy
Hospital Clinic (medical facility or health centre)
Doctor Veterinarian
Airport Helipad
Stop (bus, tram) Underground station entrance
Train station Halt train (no station building)
Train station (light rail or underground) Halt light train (no station building)
Level crossing Aerial lift station
Transport general Parking
Parking private Service area
(Freeway) Exit Car rental
Car sharing Car wash
Gas station Charging facility
Ferry terminal Camp site
Caravan site Bicycle parking
Bicycle rental Bicycle charging station
Oneway Ford
Slipway (boat ramp)
Bollard Cycle barrier
Gate Lift gate
Border control Cattle grid
Full height turnstile Kissing gate
Turnstile Stile
(significant) Tree Lighthouse
Radio tower/mast Pylon (of a low or medium voltage line)
Pylon (of a high voltage line) Wind-driven power station
Spring Water reservoir
Water tower Weir
Waterfall Water point
Drinking water Fountain
Emergency access point Fire hydrant
Fire suction point Fire Station
Place of worship Christian place of worship (e. g. church)
Jewish place of worship (e. g. synagogue) Muslim place of worship(e. g. mosque)
Battlefield Castle
Military fort (military) Bunker
Ruin Shipwreck
Archaeological site Memorial
Monument Wayside cross
Historic wind mill Water mill
Natural stone Historic boundary stone
Survey point Mineshaft (vertical entrance)
Mineshaft disused (vertical entrance) Adit (horizontal entrance)
Cave Pass
Col (ridge) Summit (usually with altitude)
Volcano general Point-Of-Interest
Education general Infrastructure general
Tomb (significant person) Government, Administation, Organizations
Shop general Alcohol shop
Beverages Coffee
Tea shop Bakery
Butcher Confectionery
Convenience store Fine foods
Greengrocer Ice cream shop
Sea food Department store
Mall Supermarket
Kiosk, Newsagent Bags
Clothes Jewelry
Shoes Watches
Variety store Beauty shop
Chemist (community pharmacy, personal hygiene) Cosmetics
Hairdresser Hearing aids
Medical supplies Optician
do-it-yourself Florist
Garden Centre Furniture
Computer Electronics (TV, radio)
Hifi Mobile phones
Bicycles Car store
Car repair Tyres
Motorcycles Outdoor shop
Sport shop Art shop
Music (vinyl, CD, …) Musical instruments
Photography Book store
Gifts Stationery
Copy shop Laundry
Pet shop Tobacco, Cigarettes
Toys Travel agency
Fabrics Tailor
Second-Hand-Shop Beds
Carpets Interior Decoration
Sport general Stadium
Bowling Archery
Basketball Beachvolleyball
Boule, Boccia Canoe
Chess Climbing
Dance Equestrian
Fitness Center Golf
Gymnastics Miniature golf
Model aerodrome Multiple sports
Rowing (Boathouse / entry) Running, Athletics
Scuba diving Shooting
Skateboard Soccer
Swimming Table tennis
Tennis Volleyball
Water park Playground
Beach resort Fishing
Canoe pier
